After a hard day at work, what better way to relax than a hot cup of tea? With a range of flavors, you can’t go wrong. But, what if there was something you could add to your tea regime that could reduce stress and anxiety? A great way to do this is by incorporating CBD oil in your tea.
With its growing popularity, CBD oil is taking the holistic market by storm. And it makes sense – cannabidiol has a wide range of health benefits, such as reducing anxiety and pain and easing symptoms of chronic illnesses.
There’s plenty of ways to ingest CBD for your health; oils, edibles, capsules, dog and cat treats, and topical applications are all very popular. However, CBD tea has hit the market across the United States, becoming the increasingly demanded choice of CBD consumption. So, what are the benefits of using CBD in your tea?
Before there was CBD oil, there was cannabis. Since 2737 B.C. in China, cannabis has been used to treat medical conditions. It was used to treat malaria, memory problems, gout, and other issues. Cannabis was infused in teas much like CBD is today. The only difference is cannabis is a psychedelic while CBD is not. Historically, teas that incorporated cannabis were widely used around the world. This ancient practice was popular among the Chinese and Indians and continues to be an accepted treatment today.
As for the United States, there are plenty of states legalizing cannabis for recreational and medicinal use. Additionally, most states have legalized the use of CBD products. With its simple production and manufacturing process, CBD is a wonderful, natural substance that can help the mind and body.
There are a few different ways you can consume CBD. Edibles, topical solutions, oils, gummies, and capsules are all ways you can ingest CBD. CBD has recently taken over the mainstream health tips and trips, despite it being used for years. For now, we’ll focus on the two popular ways it’s done – sublingually and ingested through tea.
Sublingual administration means putting the substance right under the tongue, such as when you take your temperature when you’re sick. For CBD oil, this means dropping the contents from a CBD tincture under the tongue for fast and effective absorption into the bloodstream. This makes it easier for the CB reactors to provide near-instantaneous relief. Within minutes, you can feel the calming effects of CBD! Though the taste is something to get used to, it goes away fairly quickly. Start by placing a few drops under your tongue and wait a few seconds before swallowing the rest.
When you ingest CBD through tea, it’s a different process entirely. Just like edibles, the oil you put in your tea is digested, meaning it can take more time to feel its effects. Since it has to metabolize, it’ll take a bit for the substance to get to your bloodstream. However, CBD can provide longer and stronger effects via this method, making it the more ideal use.
Why is drinking CBD in tea more effective? Well, your stomach acids create more bioavailability to the CBD substance. It also takes a while to metabolize, which makes the compound release slowly into your bloodstream. Because of this, it’s the best way to incorporate CBD into your health regimen, offering many therapeutic and anti-inflammatory benefits.
The only downfall with CBD tea is the time it takes to feel its effects, taking anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. It also depends on what you ate before taking it, as the digestion and metabolism rate could be slower. Height and weight also become factors in how long the digestion will take. Keep this in mind if you want to feel the effects faster.
With a variety of flavors, CBD is an excellent addition to your beverage. Just add a bit of sweetener to it, and voila! You’re on your way to relaxation.
Many people feel inclined to compare CBD to cannabis, but they provide different effects on the mind and body. CBD is a relatively new product that’s now widely available to people around the world. Years ago, regulations prevented the legalization and use of CBD for years. Because of this, there isn’t a ton of research on the substance. What research has been done up to this point supports CBD and suggests a ton of health benefits.
Here are some benefits of CBD tea:
Whether you have a chronic illness, migraines, joint pain, or anything in between, CBD can work wonders. If you’re dealing with health issues that affect your daily life, it can feel like nothing will help alleviate your stress and pain. However, CBD is a great alternative to pain medications. With CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties, it works to rid inflammation in the body caused by pain.
For centuries, the known benefits of peppermint and ginger tea are proven to alleviate stomach upset. Did you know that CBD tea can provide the same relief? When combined with other herbs like lavender, peppermint, and lemongrass, CBD tea can ease an upset stomach and help promote healthy digestion. It can also reduce gut inflammation and help your body stay hydrated.
With CBD’s calming effects, it’s no wonder it helps with insomnia and sleep issues! When you’re not getting the sleep you need, it can exacerbate other issues in your life, making it difficult to function. In turn, this can also create stress, anxiety, and other health issues. The use of CBD can reduce these factors. CBD tea helps induce a sense of calm and relaxation, allowing you fall asleep and have a good night’s rest.
While CBD can’t literally eliminate the stressors in your life, research suggests it can alleviate stress and anxiety. Research conducted by OnePoll in 2020 observed 2,000 Americans in a CBD study. 40% reported already using CBD daily, while 28% admitted they take it occasionally. For the 40% that took CBD regularly, 1/4th of the group said CBD had stress-reducing properties. Another 22% of that same group reported anti-anxiety properties. This is a major finding in the world of holistic health and healing.
It provides a calming effect on the body and mind due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-anxiety, and analgesic properties. Compounding the effects of herbal tea on the body and mind, CBD is an excellent addition to your health regimen.
Many people across the nation suffer from depression. In addition to eating right, exercising, and speaking to a mental health professional, CBD is a great way to provide relief for your depression. In a study from The University of Washington, CBD has been proven to reduce stress and depression.
CBD has known properties that may help those with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and more. The CBD interacts with the CB1 receptor in the brain that is linked to helping reduce pain and symptoms of people with neurological issues.
Overall, CBD is one of the best natural substances to help with a variety of issues. With CBD tea bags, it’s an easy way to introduce CBD to your diet! Or, if you don’t want to use CBD tea bags, you can always brew up your favorite tea and drop some CBD oil in your mug. Simple as that!
Many tea brands are introducing CBD products, meaning it’s becoming easier to get your hands on. However, if you want to keep it extra simple, all you need to do is place a few drops of CBD oil in your favorite tea.
The type of CBD you can get depends on where you live and where the cannabinoid is from. If your CBD is sourced from hemp, it’ll be easier to obtain since it’s federally legal. But if it’s sourced from the cannabis plant (which is federally illegal), then some states might restrict it. If you’re looking for hemp-derived CBD, SUPA Naturals has a great selection of CBD products. Check out their hemp-sourced CBD products here.
When you have your CBD oil, simply add a couple of drops to your tea. If you’ve never used CBD oil before, then it’s best to start with a lighter dosage. A good rule is to start by taking one to five milligrams first. See how you respond to it, and then go from there.
Just like any other oil, CBD oil does not mix great with water. To get the CBD oil to blend better with your tea, add something with fat content (like coconut milk or regular milk) to get it mixing properly. And from there, enjoy your CBD tea!
Now that we know how to make CBD tea, what kinds of tea pair well with CBD? Here are a few of the best CBD tea combinations:
To get the best kick out of your CBD tea combination, ginger tea is the way to go! Ginger helps with digestion and alleviates stomach pain and cramps. Its anti-inflammatory properties, like green tea, make CBD and ginger a great pair. Add cinnamon, a dash of allspice, and your favorite milk for extra flavor!
One of the best teas that provide calming effects is chamomile. This tea is notable for helping sleep, reducing stress, and decreasing pain. Adding CBD oil can only make this tea better!
Whenever you think of healing, does green tea come to mind? For ages, green tea offers better brain function, reduces pain, and lowers your risk of heart issues. With the anti-inflammatory qualities of CBD, these two substances are a perfect match.
For an upset stomach, peppermint tea is the best option. Adding CBD to your peppermint tea can reduce inflammation and provide calming effects throughout your entire body.
If you’re looking for a major health kick, bulletproof CBD tea is for you. This concoction is made with a tea mixture (with CBD or without), MCT or coconut oil, and butter. Its inspiration comes from Bulletproof coffee, a key beverage on the Keto diet. If you use regular tea, then add a few drops of CBD to your mixture. Both coconut and MCT oil create more bioavailability for the CBD.
No matter how you enjoy your CBD, it can provide the much-needed relief you’ve been looking for. When medications hurt more than they help, CBD offers the health benefits you can’t find anywhere else. The next time you come home from a stressful day at work, get your favorite mug and brew some CBD tea!
People who want to change their health and wellbeing turn to SUPA Naturals. With a variety of CBD products, there’s something for everyone! SUPA Naturals only provides non-GMO products made right here in the United States. Even better, SUPA Naturals removes harmful, residual substances from their CBD products, ensuring the cleanest CBD products for every consumer. Remember to start with small amounts of CBD and gradually increase it over time since everyone reacts differently to CBD.
If you’re looking for a holistic change in your health routine, look no further than SUPA Naturals CBD products. With a variety of products for every type of consumer, you can’t go wrong. For more information about if CBD is right for you, reach out to your physician for recommended dosage. Talk to your employer about potential drug test issues while taking CBD, and place your order today! For more information, email SUPA Naturals at [email protected] or contact us here.
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